Why care about wild plants?
We wouldn’t be here without wild plants. We wouldn’t have the medicines, the cosmetics, the health products, the furniture, food, drink or spices we all enjoy without wild plants.
#FairWildWeek is all about celebrating the hidden wild plant ingredients in our daily routines, and working to build a sustainable future for wild plants, and the people who depend on them!
For FairWild Week 2022 resources, visit our Trello board which has everything you need to know about taking part.
Follow #FairWildWeek on social media
Steps you can take
Get involved
As a consumer you have the power to change the market.
You are 99% likely to already be buying products with wild plant ingredients. The first step is to find out what products these are, and to then ask the brands you buy from what wild ingredients they use, where they’re from, and the protections they use to protect the species and the collectors involved.
Find out what how you can be part of the solution.
Join FairWild
Are you a business trading in wild plant ingredients?
Take a step towards empowering communities, committing to sustainable supply chains, and showing your customers you care about the future of wild plants.
Discover the world of wild plants!
Journey into the world FairWild is working to protect. Discover the stories behind the products you buy and why it’s never been more important to protect wild plants from over-exploitation and unsustainable trade.
Wild plant ingredients are in thousands of products we consume every day. They often come from some of the most biodiverse ecosystems on earth, and collected by some of the most impoverished communities. Explore your relationship with wild plant products …
Sustainable livelihoods, community development, gender empowerment, and ethical working conditions are at the heart of what we do. We’re shouting out for all the people working to provide us with beautiful, natural, wild-plant ingredients every day.
A TRAFFIC report examines our relationship with wild plants, the levels at which they’re traded, and the issues facing sustainable wild collection. Get to the heart of the wild plants with Wild At Home, and explore the international challenges they face.