Explore journals, papers, news items and more for an external and in-depth view of FairWild in action.
Darshan Patel, K. (2021). The Wild is Closer than you Think. Environmental Education. 127: 16-17.
Darshan Patel, K. (2021). Jatamansi becomes a conservation sensation. Society for Economic Botany Newsletter. 35: 18-19.
Curtis, S. & Darshan Patel, K. (2021). Sustainable Spikenard. In Essence. 19(2): 21-24.
Gemedzhieva, N., Khrokov, A., Heral, E. & Timoshyna, A. (2021). Sweet Dreams: Assessing opportunities and threats in Kazakhstan’s wild liquorice root trade. TRAFFIC, Cambridge, UK.
Bortnick, B. (2020). NBJ Award: Stewardship and Sustainability: FairWild is saving the world one herb at a time. Nutrition Business Journal. May 2020 Awards Issue: 21-23.
Traditional Medicinals Inc. (2020). From Wilderness to Wellness. Paid post in NY Times.
Flourishing future? FairWild says beauty can ramp up wild plant protection. Kacey Culliney. December 2020. CosmeticsDesign-Europe
DW Eco India (2020). Making money from the bibhitaki tree. Video.
Montemarano, M. (2020) FairWild Offers Certifications Unique to Wild Plants. Nutraceuticals World. 23(6):34-35.
Darshan Patel, K. (2020). The FairWild Foundation. Bristol Fair Trade Network blog.
Anastasiya Timoshyna, Zhang Ke, Yuqi Yang, Xu Ling, Danna Leaman (2020). The Invisible Trade: Wild plants and you in the time of COVID-19. TRAFFIC, Cambridge U.K.
Wild plant ingredients: Addressing the risks for lasting benefits. Emily King. July 2020. Natural Products Insider
Sustainability in the herb trade. Wilson Lau. July 2020. Natural Products Insider.
Wild beauty: FairWild Foundation says certification protects threatened plant species. Kacey Culliney. June 2020. CosmeticsDesign-Europe
Yearsley C. (2019). FairWild Project in India Is a Win-Win-Win for Terminalia Trees, People, and Hornbills. HerbalGram, Issue:123, Pages 44-51.
Birge T. (2019). Grasslands, Biodiversity and Business. Report to the GrassLIFE project, Latvian Fund for Nature.
Wolfgang Kathe, David Harter and Uwe Schippmann (2018). Sustainability in Practice: Key Aspects, Opportunities and Challenges in Implementing a Standard for Sustainable Use of Natural Biological Resources. BfN-Skripten 513. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn, Germany.
Jenkins M., Timoshyna A., Cornthwaite M. (2018), Wild at Home: Exploring the global harvest, trade and use of wild plant ingredients. TRAFFIC, Cambridge U.K.
Indenbaum R. A., Timoshyna A., and Lotz A. (2018). Enhancing management and benefit flows in Viet Nam’s wild medicinal products. TRAFFIC. Hanoi, Viet Nam.
Brinckmann, J. A., Luo, W., Xu, Q., He, X., Wu, J., Cunningham, A. B. Sustainable harvest, people and pandas: Assessing a decade of managed wild harvest and trade in Schisandra sphenanthera.Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Volume 224, 5 October 2018, Pages 522-534:
How A Wild Berry Is Helping To Protect China's Giant Pandas And Its Countryside. Kristina Johnson. April 2017. The Salt. NPR
Interview: Bryony Morgan, on the FairWild Standard. October 2017. NWFP Update, Issue #12. FAO: Rome.
Trading FairWild. Laura Antosch and Bryony Morgan. 2017. TRAFFIC Bulletin. Vol. 29 No. 1, pp. 9-14.
In Memoriam - Klaus Dürbeck. Bryony Morgan. 2017. TRAFFIC Bulletin. Vol. 29 No. 1, p. 2.
In Memoriam - Klaus Dürbeck. Josef Brinckmann. HerbalGram. Feb-April 2017, Issue 113, p. 77-78. Journal of the American Botanical Council.
When less is more: resolving the conflict by promoting sustainable wild plant harvesting (Viet Nam). Nguyen Ba Cuong. Darwin Initiative Newsletter. January 2017. Darwin Initiative Secretariat (Defra).
Creating synergies between Voluntary Certification Standards (VCS) and regulatory frameworks: Case studies from the FairWild Standard. Bryony Morgan and Anastasiya Timoshyna. 2016. Policy Matters, Issue 21, pp. 111-124. Gland, Switzerland: CEESP and IUCN.
Naturmedizin mit Pferdefuß: Gefährdete Heilkräuter. 23.05.2016. Pflanzenforschung Journal.
Protecting medicine's wild pharmacy. Kling, J. Nature Plants. May 2016, Vol. 2. pp.1-4.
Study examines market potential for sustainably wild-collected botanicals. Josef Brinckmann and Anastasiya Timoshyna. 2016. TRAFFIC Bulletin Vol. 28 No. 1 pp. 17-18.
Sustainable Sourcing: Markets for Certified Chinese Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. 2016. International Trade Centre, Geneva, Switzerland.
FairWild and Pukka Teas: Creating a Better Planet and a Better Brew. Hewlett, R. Salt Magazine. 28 January 2016.
How social and environmental labels both help and hinder pursuit of a fair, sustainable future. Article by Michael Solomon, Director of R100, featuring FairWild. Pioneers Post Quarterly, 30 October 2015.
Editorial: highlighting the urgent need to address the sustainability of trade in wild plants. Anastasiya Timoshyna. TRAFFIC Bulletin Vol. 21 No.2 October 2015.
Asia: Biodiversity and human health – implementing best practices in sustainable harvesting and trade of medicinal plants. Anastasiya Timoshyna. Non-wood Forest Products Update Issue 6. September 2015. FAO, Rome.
Sustainability in the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) sector in China: the case for industry leadership. SuLi Newsletter Issue 10. August 2015.
Wild is the wind. Neil Fox. Eden Magazine. Summer 2015, Issue 26. pp.21-23.
Case studies on best practices in sustainable wild plant sourcing. Kristina Rodina and Anastasiya Timoshyna, 2015. TRAFFIC, U.K. This set of eleven case studies was developed in the context of the EC-funded project Engaging China’s private sector in sustainable management of medicinal plants (EGP-MAPs). Download from www.traffic.org/what-we-do/projects-and-approaches/promoting-sustainable-trade/fairwild/egp-maps/
Medicinal Plants Value Chains: Going wild for new opportunities. Thorp, S. SPORE. Apr-May 2015. No 175, p.20.
Empowering communities, promoting fair trade and ensuring conservation: FairWild certification in India. Bride, I., Sarnaik, J. and B. Heron. TRAFFIC Bulletin. Vol. 27 No.1 p.11.April 2015.
Growing the FairWild Standard. Morgan, B. TRAFFIC Bulletin. Vol. 27 No.1. April 2015.p.11.
Wild collected botanicals and the EU market (Part 1 & 2). ProFound - Advisers in Development. 2014. BTC, Belgian Development Agency.
Nachhaltige Wildsammlung von Heilpflanzen im Białowieza-Urwald. Josef Brinckmann and Bryony Morgan. FORUM, 2014, Vol. 43.
FairWild Foundation and MAP Certification (PART I). Akham Bonbirdhwaja Singh. The Sangai Express. 19 June 2014.
FairWild Foundation and MAP Certification (PART II). Akham Bonbirdhwaja Singh. The Sangai Express. 20 June 2014.
Vom Raubbau zum Anbau. Barbara Kandler-Schmidt. Apotheken Umschau. Vol 03/14. pp.48-53.
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Conserving Biodiversity and Sustaining Livelihoods in the North-Western Ghats, India, and in North Viet Nam. Jayant Sarnaik and Umesh Hiremath & Nguyen Thi Mai. TRAFFIC Bulletin, April 2014, Vol. 26 No. 1. pp.4-7.
Chocolate, Chambira and Chuncho - Economi Alternatives to Wild Meat. Bernardo Ortiz von Halle and Ana Puyol. TRAFFIC Bulletin, April 2014, Vol. 26 No. 1. pp.8-10.
Greening traditional Chinese medicine industry supply chains in China. Chenyang Li and Anastasiya Timoshyna. TRAFFIC Bulletin, April 2014, Vol. 26 No. 1. pp.10-12.
Going Wild in Central Europe. Kristina Rodina. TRAFFIC Bulletin, April 2014, Vol. 26 No. 1. pp.12-14.
Managing natural resources for sustainable livelihoods: Threats to the future of sustainable wild collection and field experience with implementation of the FairWild Standard for medicinal plants. Brinckmann JA. Huggins K, Gardner ZE. International Journal on Biodiversity Watch. January-March 2014. Volume 3, pp.13-29.
Medicinal and aromatic plants of Morocco - National strategy puts FairWild into action. Bryony Morgan and Bert-Jan Ottens. TRAFFIC Bulletin, April 2013, Vol. 25 No. 1. p.12.
Taking action on sustainable wild harvesting: building relationships, changing markets. Anastasiya Timoshyna and Bryony Morgan. TRAFFIC Bulletin, April 2013, Vol. 25 No. 1. p.13.
Sustainable use of wild plants: CBD CoP11 global framework to national implementation. Anastasiya Timoshyna. TRAFFIC Bulletin, April 2013, Vol. 25 No. 1. pp.14-15.
Traditional and Wild: establishing sustinable collection of wild plants. Kristina Rodina. TRAFFIC Bulletin, April 2013, Vol. 25 No. 1. pp.18-19.
FairWild certification: Stories from the scheme. Bryony Morgan. TRAFFIC Bulletin, October 2013, Vol. 25 No. 2. pp.55-56
Traditional and Wild project. Kristina Rodina. The Daily.HU. 23 February 2013.
"How to overcome bottlenecks in making supply chains of wild collected ingredients for European cosmetics more sustainable – An example from the field." Marjol van der Linden and Klaus Duerbeck. Global Ingredients & Formulations Guide. 2013.
TRAFFIC pilots sustainable medicinal and aromatic plant harvesting project in Viet Nam. Brett Tolman, Mai Nguyen, Anastasia Timoshyna. IUCN Sustainable Use Specialist Group Newsletter. Issue 2, August 2012.
Linking a wild medicinal plant cooperative to socially responsible companies. Josef Brinckmann and Bryony Morgan. ETFRN News, Issue 54, December 2012.
Pukka Herbs launch the UK’s first FairWild labelled product. Bryony Morgan. TRAFFIC Bulletin, October 2012, Vol. 24 No. 2. p.44.
TRAFFIC Pilots Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Sustainable Harvesting Project in Viet Nam. Brett Tolman. TRAFFIC Bulletin, October 2012, Vol. 24 No. 2. p.45.
Non-timber forest products from Russian Far East: Conservation of Korean Pine Forests, Livelihoods, Tiger Habitats. Anastasiya Timoshyna. TRAFFIC Bulletin, October 2012, Vol. 24 No. 2. p.46.
Sustainable management of Pelargonium sidoides in South Africa and Lesotho. David Newton and Anastasiya Timoshyna. TRAFFIC Bulletin, October 2012, Vol. 24 No. 2. pp.47-49.
FairWild Standard – best practice for sustainable use and trade of wild-collected plants. By Anastasia Timoshyna and Bryony Morgan. BGJournal. Volume 9. No. 2. July 2012. P. 21-25. Published by BGCI.
FairWild in the South Caucasus. Heiko Schindler & Bryony Morgan. Medicinal Plant Conservation. May 2012. pp. 52-57.
Two FairWild-related presentations were made at the International Conference “Medicinal and aromatic plants in generating new values in 21st century” 9th to 12th November 2011, held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. URL: http://www.map-sarajevo.com/
Seminar: “Exploring the New FairWild Certification and Work as a Development Practitioner” Maureen DeCoursey, Private Consultant and CFAT Associate, Colorado State University. 26 September, 2011.
Sustainability and European markets for MAPs – The Role of FairWild. Hogervorst, R.: In Redžić, S. (2011): International Conference "Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Generating of New Values in 21st Century”: Book of Abstracts. Special editions, ANUBIH, VOL.CXL, Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Vol. 18, Sarajevo, 2011. p.133.
Sustainability in MAP sector development in South-East Europe: Opportunities through FairWild. Timoshyna, A., Morgan, B., Rodina, K.: In Redžić, S. (2011): International Conference „Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Generating of New Values in 21st Century”: Book of Abstracts. Special editions, ANUBIH, VOL.CXL, Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Vol. 18, Sarajevo, 2011. pp.179-180.
Wild harvesting - An update on FairWild Standards. Nuria Alonso. The Organic Standard. Issue 25, September 2011. Article reproduced with the permission of The Organic Standard (www.organicstandard.com).
The Promise of FairWild Certification: Interview with Heiko Schindler, Institute for Marketecology.
The new FairWild standard – a tool to ensure sustainable wild-collection of plants.Wolfgang Kathe. Medicinal Plant Conservation. Volume 14, 2011. Review article published in the Newsletter of the Medicinal Plant Specialist Group of the IUCN Species Survival Commission.
Ethical trading and Fair Trade Certification: the growing market for botanicals with ecological and social certification. Josef Brinckmann and Kerry Hughes. HerbalGram, Number 88, 2010. Article reproduced with the permission of American Botanical Council (www.herbalgram.org)
Fair Trade in Wild Plants. Orchid News. International news section. September 2010. pp.124-129.
Global Strategy for Plant Conservation and Private Sector Engagement. (PDF, 1.2 MB) Britta Paetzold and Anastasiya Timoshyna.CBD Newsletter for Civil Society. Issue 3 May 2010.
Providing Support to the BioTrade Principles and Criteria. Franziska Staubli. Business 2010. Volume 5 Issue 2 May 2010.
2009 and early
The potential of certification for conservation and management of wild MAP resources (PDF, 220 KB) Rajasri Bhattacharyya, Aparna Asokan, Prodyut Bhattacharya, Ram Prasad. Biodivers. Conserv. 2009. Vol 18, No. 13, 3441-3451. DOI 10.1007/s10531-009-9653-z.
Fair Trade Medicinal Plants and Extracts. MNS 33, December 2009.
Quantitative assessment of an International Standard on Sustainable Wild Collection of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (ISSC MAP) to evolving a process for adoption and adaptation (PDF, 9.7 MB) Giridhar Kinhal and Samir Sinha. Proceedings of International Conclave on Medicinal Plants for ASEAN & BIMSTEC countries during 11-13 Dec 2008. pp.39-49.
Zwischen Raubbau und Anbau [Between Cultivation and Depletion] Daniela Biermann. Pharmazeutische Zeitung Online.
Chinese Herbs in the 21st Century: Questions for a Sustainable Future. Jasmine Rose Oberste LAc with Bria Larson. California Journal of Oriental Medicine. Vol. 20 (no.2) pp.10-12.
Alleviating poverty in Afghanistan through sustainable resource management and marketing of medicinal and aromatic plants. Bert-Jan Ottens, Klaus Dürbeck & Geertje Otten. Medicinal Plant Conservation. November 2006. Volume 12. pp.28-31.